WELCOMING Vikings to Wessex may not have been popular in ages past – but it was the case for one WI group at the weekend.
The ladies of Blandford Evening WI were at the Ancient Technology Centre, Cranborne, to cater for Vikings, visitors and volunteers during a special event.
Hot dogs and burgers were cooked up on their outdoor barbecue, with home made cakes and beverages available from the Longhouse kitchen during the Dark Ages-themed open weekend, which ran across July 29 and 30.

In the Longhouse kitchen
“Dresses in their well known green checked pinafores they coped with the showery weather, record crowds, hoards of hungry Vikings and the loss at one point of their gas supply,” a group spokesperson said.
“Some members managed to tour the authentic buildings and activities but for those who could not, a site visit is to be arranged later this summer.
“All the ladies agreed that they thoroughly enjoyed their first time of helping with the Open Weekend at the centre and look forward to working at the next one, the Apple Days, on September 23 and 24.”

The morning barbecue crew, from left; Carol Denton, Sandy Disney, Jenny Wise, Peta Lys and Jan Drake

Don’t mess with the WI!
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