Trust buys up land in bid to boost wildlife

Dorset Wildlife Trust has acquired a large area of land south-east of Bere Regis the size of around 230 football pitches.

The site will showcase sustainable change in land use. The 170- hectare site will be restored so that wildlife can flourish and people can connect with nature. Healthy ecosystems will provide homes for wildlife that is in critical decline in the UK and help battle the climate crisis by storing carbon in wetlands, soils and plants.

The trust wants to involve the local community with planning for the site to ensure their voices are heard and they are able to benefit from regular contact with nature.

Trust chief executive Brian Bleese said: “Given a chance, nature can play a key role in addressing climate change and environmental degradation. Our wildlife is also declining in both diversity and abundance and we need to make more space for nature. The acquisition of this land gives us a huge opportunity to bring back nature on a large scale and we look forward to working with the local community to involve people of all backgrounds and abilities in learning about and enjoying wildlife, while helping it to prosper.”

The acquisition was made possible with help from We Have The POWER founder Julia Davies, who led on the purchase, giving DWT time to secure funds from several legacies left by dedicated trust members and supporters, as well as significant investments from BCP Council and Dorset Council.

The councils’ contributions came from the Community Infrastructure Levy, to mitigate the effect of additional nitrates entering Poole Harbour as a result of new housing and tourism developments.

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