Rejuvenated members of horticultural society prove they are up for the cups

Verwood Horticultural Society was going to close this February after 76 years, but the members managed to save it, and also put on a Spring Show for the community within three weeks.
More than 280 exhibits were brought to the hall by local residents, showing off their gardening talents as well as handicrafts, homecrafts and flower arranging.
The morning was a hive of activity with exhibitors presenting their flowers, pot plants, crafts and baking on the show benches, and adding the finishing touches to their flower arrangements.
The youngest exhibitor, Felicity Habgood (three), entered a beautiful coloured drawing as well as a Vegetable Vehicle in the special Junior Classes.
When exhibitors and members of the public were let in at 1.30pm, there were murmurs of congratulations and appreciation around the hall as people saw their First, Second and Third Prize Awards.
The Society’s new chairman, Ollie Greensmith, was delighted at the number and quality of the entries.
“It’s the Society members and general public who come together to make a show like this,” he said.
“I’m surprised how much variety there is on the show benches, given the recent cold snap.
“The daffodils are certainly late this year, so it’s a great achievement to have so many on display here today”.
Anyone is welcome to join the VDHS, who have a brand new website to promote their Society (
Horticulture society

There are lots of details about the Society – monthly meeting dates, scheduled talks and Show details including 2023 Handbooks, Show Rules and Entry Forms.

Horticulture society
This year’s winners
VDHS Cup – Best Exhibit for Narcissi/Daffodils : John Manston.
Ted Batten Memorial Cup – Highest points in Flowers and Plants : Bill Howarth.
Dorothy Hardy Memorial Platter – Best Exhibit in Flowers and Plants : Bill Howarth.
Verwood Trader’s Cup – Highest Points in Flower Arranging : Diane Ponting.
Sue Davis Memorial Bowl – Best Exhibit in Homecraft : Laura Jerome.
Best Exhibit in Handicraft : Allison Dilley.
Best Exhibit in Novice Flower Arranging : Margaret Wilkes.
Best Exhibit in Flower Arranging : Diane Ponting.
Best Exhibit in Men Only Flower Arranging : Norman Castro.
Best Exhibit in Photography : Jason Shrubb.
Junior Certificate : Felicity Habgood.

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