Reading and behaviour behind good report

by Lorraine Gibson.

Good news for Lockyer’s Middle School in Corfe Mullen as Ofsted rates it as being ‘good’ in all areas.
Among the things that inspectors praised were pupils’ pride in belonging to the school, their punctuality and their understanding of how the six values of the school are relevant to tier lives.
They added that ‘leaders have high expectations of pupils’ learning, including those who have special educational needs’ and that ‘most pupils live up to these expectations, are keen to learn and are proud of the work they produce.’
It also found that ‘Pupils behave sensibly and enjoy social times’, and that they know the rules and understand the consequences of breaking them.

Headteacher Antonia Dufek said: “The report is extremely positive. It is testament to all the hardworking staff who have created a wonderful learning environment for all the pupils.
“I was pleased that (it) recognised the importance we place on reading and that pupils know how crucial it is. It also recognises how we teach the pupils to be healthy, both mentally and physically.
“There is some guidance about how we can improve things further and this is already under way.”

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