“HE was so shy and quite nervous but now he’s not shy and tells me what he wants from me.”
David, who has additional needs, is reaping the rewards of work experience he has taken on as part of a Dorset Council scheme.
The council’s Supported Employment Service, Pluss, sees people enter the programme as they seek work.
Tracey Spriggs, Pluss employment coach, said David has had a gardening work placement with Care Dorset in Blandford Forum, which has brought untold benefits.
And David said he was pleased to be helping out with the gardening.
“I do weeding and get rid of the leaves by raking them up, so that’s its proper soil again,” he said. “The best bit is doing digging. Tracey helps me a lot, raking and making sure I am safe.
“It’s good exercise and it really gets you fit,” he added.
Tracey said: “We first of all started mapping out where he was going to work within the garden, so he has a portfolio which he works on, where he’s looking at building up different areas ready for planting next spring.”
She said being outside was great for David’s mental health and wellbeing.
“His communication has become absolutely fantastic and he talks to everybody,” she said. “He signs in and will go and make himself a coffee.
“He has changed – he’s completely different from when I first met him when he wouldn’t talk to anybody.”
Susan Wells-Read, from Care Dorset, said she was over the moon to offer David some voluntary placement gardening.
“I’ve noticed a big difference in David,” she said. “He was so shy and quite nervous but now he’s not shy and tells me what he wants from me.”
Councillor Jane Somper, portfolio lead for adult social care, health and housing, said it was fantastic to see how David’s confidence and independence had grown while working with Care Dorset and Pluss.
“It is so encouraging to learn about David’s progress and see how much he is enjoying gardening and life,” she added.
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