‘Good’ show from primary school

A Blandford school remains a ‘good’ one after a visit from Ofsted inspectors.
In January, Ofsted were at the Archbishop Wake CofE Primary School and have since confirmed it retained a ‘good’ rating.

Sara Staggs, who headed up the inspection of the 394-pupil school, said in her report: “The school’s seven core values of happiness, perseverance, co-operation, kindness, courage, honesty and respect permeate throughout the school.
“Leaders have established high expectations for behaviour and pupils rise to these. Pupils understand the three rules of being ready, respectful and safe. Pupils treat each other with kindness.

“The school has high ambitions for all pupils. There is a sharp focus on ensuring that everyone has the support they need to succeed. This results in pupils achieving well.”
Strengths at the school included a well-structured and sequenced curriculum, a personalised approach to supporting children with special educational needs and a focus on inclusivity and understanding the needs of every pupil.

The report added: “Pupils’ wider development is a strength of the school. Leaders understand the value of widening pupils’ experiences to impact on their life chances.”
The headteacher at the Black Lane school, Daniel Lasbury-Carter, said: “I am so proud of everyone in our school for this excellent Ofsted report.
“The inspector was so impressed by our articulate, polite hard-working children and by our staff’s determination to support every child to be successful.
“We will continue to ‘aim high, believe; fly high, achieve’.”
The school is part of the Diocese of Salisbury Academy Trust, whose chief executive, Mark Lacey, said: “Archbishop Wake is a school that consistently delivers on its high aspirations.
“The headteacher and his team leave no stone unturned in doing the very best for every child in their care.
“I am delighted this dedication has been recognised by Ofsted. We are so proud to have them in our trust.”

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