BUSINESSES across Wimborne are being asked to take part in a consultation to see what services and opportunities should continue to be offered by the Wimborne Business Improvement District (BID).
Businesses that sign up to BID pay an annual, mandatory fee which goes towards helping to provide and sustain a multitude of services and projects tailored for Wimborne.
These include the Christmas lights switch-on, Discover Wimborne, Summer of History, the Wimborne Food Festival, plus various promotions like the annual Christmas advert.
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Projects are delivered through a consultation of businesses that begins in January and results in a five-year business plan.
Businesses vote on whether they would like the BID to continue to deliver the business plan in a ballot that takes place this October.
Wimborne BID chair Fiona Harwood said: “We are urging businesses to use this consultation opportunity to have their say in what they would like to see improved, maintained and introduced to the town.
“These ideas will shape the 2026-2031 business plan.”
She added: “There is no replacement body that will deliver all the projects and services provided by Wimborne BID.
“Over the past 14 years, we have achieved a great deal, and we hope businesses will vote ‘yes’ in October to ensure Wimborne continues to thrive.”
Wimborne BID was established in 2011 and has been successfully renewed every five years since. It’s a not-for-profit organisation with 330 levy-paying businesses in the town.
Services and projects provided by the BID aim to boost footfall and market Wimborne as a premier visitor destination.
Wimborne BID was established in 2011 and has been successfully renewed every five years since. It’s a not-for-profit organisation with 330 levy-paying businesses in the town.
The BID collaborates closely with businesses to provide training, networking opportunities, advice and business support.
It is also committed to a cleaner, greener and safer Wimborne, funding additional litter picking and street cleaning, removal of graffiti and a coordinated response to combat crime and anti-social behaviour in the town.
A full copy of Wimborne BID’s current business plan is available to download via
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