Getting the point during asparagus season

According to British Asparagus, the ultimate spring green, dubbed the Usain Bolt of the veggie world, can grow 10cm in a single day and can improve your libido…
It can also help cure hangovers, protect the liver against toxins, promote healthy bacteria in the large intestine and is rich in immunity-boosting vitamin C.
Oh, and it cooks almost as quickly as it takes Bolt to burn up a track!
Small wonder, then, that April 23, the official start of the season for the perky green spear, is cause for such celebration, especially with chefs, who prize its unfussy fabulousness.
With this in mind, here are two super-simple recipes that let the star of the show, the asparagus, do the talking.

Roasted British Asparagus with Chilli and Lime Butter
Cooking time: 8 minutes
Preparation time: 5 minutes
Serves: 4

100g butter
1 red chilli, deseeded and finely diced
2 tbs fresh coriander, finely chopped
½ tsp cumin seeds, roughly ground
juice ½ lime
2 bundles British asparagus
Salt and pepper for seasoning
1 lime for garnish

Bring the butter to room temperature then mix in the chilli, coriander, ground cumin and lime juice, add a good twist of black pepper then place onto a sheet of clingfilm. Roll into a sausage shape then chill in the fridge.
Trim the ends of the asparagus and place on a roasting tray, drizzle with some oil, season and roast in an oven set at 200C/ 180C fan for 6-8 minutes.
Place the asparagus spears onto serving plates and top with a slice of the butter, then serve with a wedge of lime.

Asparagus Egg
British asparagus, poached egg and hollandaise on a crumpet
Cooking time: 15-20 minutes
Preparation time: 5 minutes
Serves: 4

For the hollandaise sauce:
150g butter
2 egg yolks
1 dessert spoon of white wine vinegar
Juice of ½ lemon
Salt and pepper
For the crumpets
250g British asparagus
4 large eggs
4 crumpets
Fresh chives, chopped (optional)

To make the hollandaise, melt the butter in a small sauce pan and skim off any white solids that float to the surface, leave on a low heat. In a heatproof bowl whisk the two eggs yolks and white wine vinegar until smooth.
Bring a small pan of water to a simmer and sit the bowl containing the egg mixture over the pan to create a bain-marie.
Very slowly while continuing to whisk the egg mixture, pour the melted butter in bit by bit. Continue until you have a creamy smooth hollandaise.
If the mix starts to get too hot lift the bowl off the heat and continue to whisk.
Squeeze in the juice of half a lemon and season to taste. To keep warm until ready to serve.
Bring a shallow wide pan of water to a simmer then add the asparagus to blanch for 2-3 minutes then set aside.
Crack your 4 eggs into 4 separate ramekins, gently lower each ramekin into the simmering water and tip the egg into the pan.
Simmer for 4-5 minutes. Whilst your eggs are cooking toast your crumpets.
To assemble, divide the toasted crumpets between 4 plates.
Top with asparagus, poached egg and a serving of warm hollandaise.
If using sprinkle over some chopped chives.
Serve immediately.

by Lorraine Gibson

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