About dogs and adder bites

With the weather warming up, adders (the only venomous snake in the UK) have been seen locally and dogs can occasionally be bitten. Although these bites are painful they are rarely fatal.
Adders are a protected species and it’s illegal to kill or injure them. They’re easily recognised by a dark ‘zig-zag’ stripe along the back and their background colours vary from grey – white in the male, to shades of brown or copper in the female.
They are in fact quite timid in nature and will not usually
bite unless they feel threatened and will prefer to slither away given the chance to do so.
However, dogs with their naturally inquisitive nature, can sometimes disturb adders whilst exploring the undergrowth, making them susceptible to being bitten. Most adder encounters occur during their active season between March and October, so it’s advisable to keep your dog on the paths and under control (preferably on a lead) in areas where they’re known to be.
If your dog develops a swelling, normally around the muzzle area where bites usually occur, it could be an adder bite.
You should seek immediate veterinary attention for your dog.
It’s not advisable to attempt first aid measures yourself (such as sucking out the venom or applying a tourniquet). Adder bites are potentially serious, but effective treatment is readily available from your vet.
Enjoy the sunshine and your walks, but please do take care.

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